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                                                            A World of hate

 Lost in a world full of hate at what rate do we travel a path to our own destruction what about man do you find kind in what seems to be the final days so many signs of the times are apparent watching love fail and lust prevail wars in minor countries attract bigger stakes which makes chances of global conflict greater on both sides of the equator even though the barriers of language are broken the egos of leaders are swollen to the point that compromise is unachievable is worldwide destruction really acceptable to some such a waste to hasten our own doom with such follies one claims to be better than the other yet all die, bleed and feel pain the same greed a controlling factor in the decision of some and a lust for power they easily mishandle in a world where homelessness hunger and famine should be non-existent but lack of concern for our fellow human has most suffering in conditions less than suitable where the division between poor, middle and rich class is used to maintain a firm grip on power how is it you make laws that affect us all but have no consideration for what we need or want yet you sit on your little hill making a million or more but those who make the country run remain poor where is there profit for hard labor as the price of living soars to ridiculous heights and minimum wage remains barely enough to feed and clothe definitely not enough for a roof over your head after paying taxes and you wonder why acts of theft are committed even though some are for pure greed some is out need and feelings grow callous to the plight of the less fortunate claiming lack of resources or individual lack of imitative to be the reason such a degree of poverty remains I believe it’s the feeling of power you try to maintain over those you deem of less stature to manufacture discord to maintain the scale of power tipped in your favor sooner or later as time passes that which you have hidden will be seen as your hold over those that wish to be free see through the lies and starts to crumble and your words used for manipulation ring hollow that none no longer swallow such devious tricks and time ticks ever closer to the final day as we continue to play life as a game it’s a shame the way we use precious moments to deceive and glorify lust and greed and some have the nerve to believe one breed is better than the other committing the same uncaring callous actions as the other refusing to realize or admit that such animosity and cruelty is not very becoming of those who are his children and senseless killing of innocent people is truly unacceptable the only point you prove is how wicked and ungodly you are.


                                                Is it a game?  

Have you not realized yet it’s far from being a game when playing with someone’s mind do they have to find you face first in the mud with your blood in a pool for trying to treat me like a fool no longer do I tolerate any who would think to violate my mentality or reality in which I live I can forgive but not forget actions committed with malice this is not Alice in wonderland and you play games of the mind as you plunder creation and we pay for continuing to play with each other’s lives as if it’s a joke as people get smoked by gunplay to often laid in a coffin offering no pity for the shitty way we act towards each other with no respect and you expect it to change and you stay the same showing no shame with the games you play manipulation in every nation attacking their foundation getting caught red handed thinking you can escape like a bandit when the planet gets caught in the aftermath of wars you caused with dirty tactics and laws that are severely flawed and the day is coming to light where right and wrong known with you headed to a dead end pretended to have everyone’s best interest in mind and we find the deceit hidden in your mind underlying plans of world domination in the guise of peace committing atrocities at a velocity to blind the unseeing believing you fight for justice but this I find to be lacking when your backing only those that coincide with your demands

Who Is To Blame?


How is it when something bad happens we blame the devil or ask god why he let this happen do we not understand the gift that was given to choose which road you take if everything was predestined then what food would the gift of free will be or the chance to be forgiven as for asking god why he let this happen god did not make us to control our actions we do what we do to ourselves being faitless, nonbelievers and simply not caring we have had many a teachings living and written examples of how we should act or treat each other but it seems we refuse to listen or pay attention to the signs given and as for the devil the only power he holds over you is the lies you listen and choose to ignore or believe in and that which you let him have by letting him mislead you into actions to go against what teachings and examples our creator has shown us to live by. IT IS YOR CHOICE YOUR DECISION A GIFT GIVEN. Not to be forced or controlled but to have the chance and option to choose for ourselves what road we take and mistakes we make and to be forgiven if we choose to ask and wish to change. So again it is we who allow this to happen to us it is we who choose to be thus but in the end it is our creator who will judge us not you or me with our bias opinions of each other. It is we as humans who do this to each other with our lack of respect for life and concern of each others well being and me myself I believe this is just the first part of life in which we live where my actions now and here determine what happens to my soul that my creator breathed into me and has blessed me with to be a part of him and his creation.


                                                            Why Is Life So Complicated


The complications in life at times can be very depressing and unnerving it would seem to me from my own perspective and insight that not only is it due to internal conflict and complexity but external as well if you take the time to do some internal evaluations of oneself and truly list the pro’s and cons with a unbiased view if at all possible taking note of ones own iniquities to truly understand the internal aspect of complications in ones life that brings some to the breaking point and I suggest taking a long look at ones companions do they hinder or harm ones progression to becoming a better individual or actually compliment ones attributes with endearing qualities of their own your companions can cause your life to have many complications which would be part of the external factor if the lives they live and portray contrast with your own due to jealousy and envy of that which you have achieved and they cannot. So in some truth to what is said you are like those you chose to be around unless you are of strong will and leader trait not a follower as I see it through my eyes though life is complicated there are things one can do for themselves that can alleviate and address most situations that cause undo stress and ease the pain that is felt if not eliminate it life is to precious to waste and there are to many wonderful things in the world to see and do to even think of giving up even at times of strong hopelessness life is worth living to its fullest to learn from the ups and downs as well as taking good with bad as long as you survive I believe it makes you a stronger individual and if taken in good context it builds character as it has done for me I have learned much in my trials as to what I will tolerate at that which I wont.


                                                New Perception          




As I look through eyes from a new perception there seems to be a lot of deception pulling the wool over many eyes making it hard to see clearly the propaganda being used to hide actions full of deceit and ulterior motives lay deeper than most are willing to dig how long will you stay blind and tolerate the lies that are told to hold you I sway as they play games with our lives taking for granted the power and trust we have placed in their hands faking concern for your well being while filling their pockets full of tax dollars then easily spurning you saying your voice matters but how often do they listen to your cries so thick is their skulls and so far have their pockets become with egos as big to match living life off of your tax dollars out of touch with your true pain and what you go through on a daily basis to survive and make ends meet while they take a seat and fuss like hens to what ends what do they accomplish nothing but more division in society and more pay for them for telling you how to live. Grossing 3 to 4 times what you make in a year for telling you how to live and making laws with so many flaws with all the time they have to discuss matters of state you would think there would be less confusion and mistakes and more concern and unification for the welfare of the people who have entrusted them to do so. Do they really listen and care for you or is it the power and cash they like easily bought by big corporations funds to sway votes for their own agenda ignoring your concerns offering you a few resolutions to keep you quiet and satisfied while they grow fat off of the fruits of your labor and living conditions continue to worsen. Claiming they are fighting a war against drugs and guns but we have yet to see any real results streets are not safer and drugs continue to flourish having you to blame simple citizens when it is they who control access to our borders and ships or planes that bring drugs in. with all their technology and spying networks is it not odd that big busts are made while others just happen to slip through enough for the trade to flourish the name of the game is supply and demand whether it’s for your votes or the cash it seems to me they easily sell your trust to the highest bidder running the biggest scam that has ever been pulled keeping the wool over your eyes judging what to let you hear or see deciding whats in your best interest without your consent or input. Telling you how to live your life while taking for granter your trust and money to covertly support gun and drug running telling you they are fighting the war on terror when they themselves cause terror and allow drugs to run rampart letting planes and boats slip through letting you fall for the propaganda and lies telling you there are no ties between them and the other side.


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