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                        Speaking Out




So as I begin to speak out no doubt in my mind while watching the signs of the times with the seasons intermixing not missing my cue as you continue to treat life like a game of chess using pawns against pawns testing the emotional waters of our world and tempers flare ever hotter we hang on the edge of destruction because of the games you play with lives that are not yours to abuse instead of looking for cures like Louie pastor you choose to cause cancerous disease for basic needs to feed your greed but I have found a way to pay you back for how you act and to ease my pain and gain a hold while loosening your grip by molding these words like clay in the hands of a master artisan at work thanking my creator in heaven for the sevens embedded in my brain and soul waiting to roll while traveling through life at a speed to pay heed to what is written in stone because I am grown not your child even though at times I act wild and rather mild while you constrict me with you laws binding me like the snake that you are with your restrictions on my freedom it never ceases to amaze me refusing to let you phase me as my god has made me not a product of any man made theory hear me as I thank him for his grace for the place and life he has given me with the gift to compose pieces of art like Mozart but formulated in words that need to be heard showing my heart as I do my part creating motion like waves in an ocean for what I crave to never be a slave in this madness you call civilization having the nerve to accuse others of savagery when history tells all if truly read and understood I will be free of this misery you cause with your inhumane atrocities that makes this blessing of life a living hell as you label everything for sale even that which you don’t own taken by force and the course you plot is clear you will see no fear when looking into my eyes for I try everyday to make peace with my creator to be sure of my place after this life in which we act trife squandering the joys with wicked ploys and abuse ahh the misuse of what is precious to what means do we demean ourselves who are supposed to be in his image you would say to yourself not me do not lie you only kid yourself as I know of my own accord I fall short of his grace but make it my place to forever be indebted and ask for forgiveness that I live this mess we call life and try to change my actions for the better of myself and fellow human beings as we are of one breed and one fateful deed that we fall to this greed and obsession with power when we have no right to control others lives who am I and who are you to say what is good for me if you think you can then should I not also tell you what is good for you? I am not your child and you are not mine but we are kin whether you accept it or not as I said before you only lie to yourself I refuse to kid myself or to lie to you realize what you do and how far we have fallen we could be so much more but yet we fail so badly by this savagery we commit in each and every city, nation and village to pillage and plunder because you can? Such nonsense knowing that you would not appreciate such deeds committed against you our yours but we are the ones to blame not GOD or the DEVIL we as humans who have been given freedom of choice make these stupid and wrong decisions to treat each other as inconsequential and meaningless when all have meaning and positions to play life is not to be taking for a game or lightly we have barely even scratched the surface of this that we call living and I fear we will not get far on this road that we travel..


God Bless and Luck hoping you wake up as we are killing ourselves as human kind with this madness we do…




                                                New Perception          


As I look through eyes from a new perception there seems to be a lot of deception pulling the wool over many eyes making it hard to see clearly the propaganda being used to hide actions full of deceit and ulterior motives lay deeper than most are willing to dig how long will you stay blind and tolerate the lies that are told to hold you I sway as they play games with our lives taking for granted the power and trust we have placed in their hands faking concern for your well being while filling their pockets full of tax dollars then easily spurning you saying your voice matters but how often do they listen to your cries so thick is their skulls and so far have their pockets become with egos as big to match living life off of your tax dollars out of touch with your true pain and what you go through on a daily basis to survive and make ends meet while they take a seat and fuss like hens to what ends what do they accomplish nothing but more division in society and more pay for them for telling you how to live. Grossing 3 to 4 times what you make in a year for telling you how to live and making laws with so many flaws with all the time they have to discuss matters of state you would think there would be less confusion and mistakes and more concern and unification for the welfare of the people who have entrusted them to do so. Do they really listen and care for you or is it the power and cash they like easily bought by big corporations funds to sway votes for their own agenda ignoring your concerns offering you a few resolutions to keep you quiet and satisfied while they grow fat off of the fruits of your labor and living conditions continue to worsen. Claiming they are fighting a war against drugs and guns but we have yet to see any real results streets are not safer and drugs continue to flourish having you to blame simple citizens when it is they who control access to our borders and ships or planes that bring drugs in. with all their technology and spying networks is it not odd that big busts are made while others just happen to slip through enough for the trade to flourish the name of the game is supply and demand whether it’s for your votes or the cash it seems to me they easily sell your trust to the highest bidder running the biggest scam that has ever been pulled keeping the wool over your eyes judging what to let you hear or see deciding whats in your best interest without your consent or input. Telling you how to live your life while taking for granter your trust and money to covertly support gun and drug running telling you they are fighting the war on terror when they themselves cause terror and allow drugs to run rampart letting planes and boats slip through letting you fall for the propaganda and lies telling you there are no ties between them and the other side.

                                                                        My Birth


Since my birth on this earth ive been chasing death with each breath I breathe brings it closer to that moment that I seek a release from this misery you have made for us with your uncaring ways as I praise my savior always watching your disregard for life and love the showing of compassion when the choice is between life and greed you would choose greed for what reason do you hide the truth I know you would hide the fact that you have the cure for certain disease or maladies to support your economy for what money is there in creating get paid for temporary remedies that can fill your coffers with tainted blood money is it called population cultivation or control when you hold the power to heal but choose to deal in death and do you really think you will get away and not pay the price for playing with the life of others acting like you have the right to decide who lives or dies telling half truths full of lies while precious lives are lost and those that survive are trapped in a sea of despair that cares for none endlessly struggling against oppressive forces that keep society in hold that slowly strangles the will of its citizens that become mindless as the drones of a beehive just to survive from 9 to 5 letting emotions grow numb from the steady bombardment of the wicked actions seen across the globe and the faith and fate of humanity is tested through the insanity we suffer.

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